Zgodnie z ustawą, wszystkie węgle o wymiarach 5-25 mm klasyfikowane są jako groszki,

natomiast termin Ekogroszek stanowi etykietę handlową która jest zastrzeżona. Słowo ekogroszek nie świadczy o ekologicznym opale. 

Ekogroszek workowany 28MJ KGM 25kgEkogroszek 28MJ KGM 25kg - węgiel kamienny
Ekogroszek workowany 26MJ KGM 25kg - ziarno
Ekogroszek workowany 28MJ KGM 25kg - paleta

Bagged KGM 28 eco-pea coal

KGM 28 eco-pea coal is a unique coal with excellent properties. Thanks to its very high calorific value, it ensures high efficiency with low wear and its additional advantages are, among others.


Weight palette
25 KG
Weight palette
1000 KG
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wegiel Silver

KGM 28 eco-pea coal is a unique coal with excellent properties. Thanks to its very high calorific value, it ensures high efficiency with low wear and its additional advantages are, among others. The minimal ash and sulphur contents. The high heating power of this high-end product allows for any water temperature to be reached in CO2 system, and no contamination during combustion causes the boiler operation to be limited to the minimum required. KGM 28 eco-pea coal is recommended for modern furnaces like Kolton, Sztoker, Pleszew, Hef and Proeco..

Advantages of the eco-pea coal:

  • Quality assurance - our bagged eco-pea coal is located in packs thoroughly described with the manufacturer's specifications and coal parameters;  this way, users can be sure that they have opted for the highest quality product, which is additionally certified.
  • Dry coal - all our products are stored under shelter, so it is not influenced by any external factors, and the coal itself retains all its properties.
  • Low consumption - our eco-pea coal  is characterized by very high calorific value, allowing for achieve any temperature in the boiler even with the economical use of fuel.
  • Low ash content - as a result of the eco-pea coal combustion, a small amount of ash and slag is generated, allowing users to clean ash every 14 days.
  • Ideal 5-25mm fraction in 2/10 ratio - our eco-pea coal is subjected to a two-step process, resulting in a final product of excellent dimensions.

Application of coal

wegiel Silver zastosowanie

The retort boilers are increasingly chosen for their ease of use. The increase in the demand for this type of fuel furnace has led to the emergence on the market of a number of producers supplying the eco-pea coal. Unfortunately, its quality is often very low and thus does not meet the expectations of buyers. Only the selection of products with all high quality fuel parameters guarantees the right performance and convenience of use. This is precisely KGM eco-pea coal, and its class is certified by J. S. HAMILTON POLAND S.A.

The fuel we offer for the retort boilers has ideal granulation of 5-25mm. It is characterized by low sulphur content, therefore, its use reduces the emission of chemicals harmful to the environment, which in combination with steam create sulphuric acid contributing to the furnace corrosion. Low ash content and high sinterability guarantee convenience of use and fuel efficiency.

The eco-pea coal is an ecological fuel produced from specially selected hard coal species. It is used in automatic boilers equipped with a feeder. This type of retort burner furnaces is used for heating of various types of public, industrial and communal buildings as well as single-family and multi-family residential buildings.


Opakowanie i Wysyłka

Rodzaj opakowania
Wysokiej jakości worki foliowe z mikrowentylacją
Zabezpieczenie worków na palecie folią stretch
Dostarczany węgiel na palecie bezzwrotnej
kotły automatyczne
Kotły retortowe

Reviews About product "Bagged KGM 28 eco-pea coal"

Wednesday, 09 August 2017
Super załoga, super obsługa i kawę też mają dobrą. A węgiel to swoją drogą – najlepszy w mieście.
Joana Kowalaska
Tuesday, 08 August 2017
Towar pierwsza klasa, wydajny, bez kamienia. Cenowo tez ok.
Maciek Cemer
Friday, 28 July 2017
Bardzo polecam sprzedawcę, Pan udzielił bardzo rzeczowej informacji na temat ekogroszków. Zamówiłam i to był doskonały wybór do mojego pieca. Węgiel wysokiej jakości, bardzo mało popiołu, worki mocne, dostawa szybka.
Paweł Sokół