Zgodnie z ustawą, wszystkie węgle o wymiarach 5-25 mm klasyfikowane są jako groszki,

natomiast termin Ekogroszek stanowi etykietę handlową która jest zastrzeżona. Słowo ekogroszek nie świadczy o ekologicznym opale. 

Ekogroszek workowany 29MJ KGM 25kg - ziarnoEkogroszek workowany 29MJ KGM 25kg - ziarno
Ekogroszek workowany 28MJ KGM 25kg - ziarno

Ekogroszek KGM 29MJ/KG- Luzem

KGM 29 eco-pea coal is a unique product in its class and not available anywhere else on the market. It is characterized by the highest possible calorific value, exceptional purity, as well as the minimal amount of ash left in the combustion process.


Weight palette
1000 KG
Weight palette
1000 KG
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wegiel platinium

KGM 29eco-pea coal is a unique product in its class and not available anywhere else on the market. It is characterized by the highest possible calorific value, exceptional purity, as well as the minimal amount of ash left in the combustion process. Those features make it a great choice for even the most demanding users who expect uncompromising quality of the products they choose. 5-25 fraction in a ratio of 2/10 (1). Not coking in retorts 32.1 type of the coal.

Advantages of the eco-pea coal:

  • Dry coal - all the products we offer are stored under the roof, which effectively protects them against the effects of external factors, and thus - against the loss of their properties.
  • Guaranteed quality - bagged eco-pea coal is placed into precisely described packages, which contain information about the manufacturer and the exact parameters of the contents; this solution guarantees the highest quality of the product confirmed by the certificates.
  • Ideal fraction of 5-25mm in 2/10 ratio obtained by two-stage mechanical processing of raw material.
  • High calorific value allowing achieving any boiler temperature while ensuring low fuel consumption.
  • High comfort of use guaranteed by ultra low ash content.

Application of coalkotly retortowe

Increasing demand for high-quality fuel has led to the emergence of a large number of manufacturers offering coal for retort boilers on the market. However, it very often happens that the quality of this type of products leaves much to be desired and does not always meet the expectations of users. KGM 29 eco-pea coal is a proposal for all people who value quality and looking for high thermal efficiency. We offer fuel for retort boilers that meet all parameters of high quality fuel material, which they confirmed by certificates issued by J. S. HAMILTON POLAND S.A. Our eco-pea coal is characterized by appropriate granulation from 5 to 25 mm. Low sulphur content makes this fuel environmentally safe and greatly reduces the risk of corrosion of boilers, while the small amount of ash generated during combustion makes handling easier, same as low sinterability does. KGM products meet the high requirements by providing very good parameters, so they will perform well wherever the highest quality is appreciated.. During combustion, small amounts of slag and sintered ash are produced, which positively influences the boiler operation and at the same time guarantees convenience of use.

Eco-pea coal is an ecological fuel that is made from selected hard coal species. It is designed for the production of heat energy in automatic feeder boilers. Boilers equipped with a retort burner and feeder are very convenient to use and they are used to heat such buildings as: single family and multi-family houses, communal and industrial buildings, guest houses, etc.

Opakowanie i Wysyłka

Rodzaj opakowania
Wysokiej jakości worki foliowe z mikrowentylacją
Zabezpieczenie worków na palecie folią stretch
Dostarczany węgiel na palecie bezzwrotnej
Kotły retortowe
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